Anti Wrinkle Injections


Anti-Wrinkle Injections

What are Anti-Wrinkle treatments?

Anti-wrinkle injections help reduce the appearance of fine lines resulting in a refreshed and more youthful appearance.

These treatments work by relaxing the muscles responsible for expression lines, such as crows feet, forehead lines and frown lines.

Duration of treatment: From 15 to 40 minutes depending on areas being treated.

Number of sessions advised: One session with a complimentary dose adjustment review at two weeks.


From €280
1 area €280
2 areas €305
3 areas €369

Time to results: From 4 days with full results at two weeks

Down time: Minimal to none.

Side Effects: Some immediate bumps which resolve within one hour. Mild bruising may occur in some areas.

Length of results: Generally 6 months but can range from 3 to 9 months depending on area treated, skin type and lifestyle factors.

Areas of Concern

Anti-wrinkle injections can be used to soften lines of the upper face including;

● Crows feet (Orbicularis Oculi muscle)
● Forehead lines (Frontalis muscle)
● Frown lines (11’s) (Glabellar region)
● Brow lift (Corrugator, Depressor Supercilii)

In the mid and lower face they can be used to achieve;

● Increase the visibility of the lip (Orbicularis Oris muscle)
● Correct a gummy smile(Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi muscles)
● Correct bunny lines (Nasalis muscle)
● Dimpled chin(Mentalis muscle)
● Slim jawline (Masseter muscle hypertrophy)
● Lift drooping mouth lines (Depressor Anguli Oris overactivity)

Anti-wrinkle injections may be used on the neck to treat neck bands (platysmal bands).

Medical Treatment

Anti-Wrinkle injections may also be used for:

● Migraine
● Hyperhydrosis (excessive sweating)
● Bruxism (teeth grinding)
● Trapezius overactivity