Fat Dissolving


Fat Dissolving

Fat Dissolving

Fat dissolving injections are a non surgical treatment targeted at areas of stubborn fat deposition which do not reduce with diet and exercise. The main ingredient is deoxycholic acid (tradenames Belkyra and Aqualyx) a compound that helps break down fat cells, which are then naturally eliminated by the body.

Treatments areas include:

● Submental area (double chin)
● Abdomen
● Thighs
● Hips
● Upper arms
● Bra line
● Inner knee

Duration of treatment: 20 to 60 minutes depending on areas being treated.

Number of sessions advised: Typically 2 to 6 sessions 3 to 6 weeks apart.


From €400 per session
Course of 3 - €995

Time to results: From 3 to 4 weeks after first treatment. Full results typically after 6 to 12 weeks.

Down time: 2-3 days.

Side Effects: Mild swelling, bruising and tenderness for 3-7 days post-treatment.

Length of results: Long lasting as the fat cells broken down by this treatment do not regenerate however a stable weight should be maintained to retain results.